
Global Cosmed: another quarter on the rise


According to the presented financial report for 9 months of 2022, Global Cosmed improved its EBITDA results in Q3, compared to Q2 and generated a net profit.

Within 9 months of 2022, the Global Cosmed capital group generated 12.2 M PLN in consolidated EBITDA product and 2.6 M PLN in net profit. One of the elements of the improvement in results is the increase in revenues, which amounted to +26% year-on-year in the third quarter alone. An additional positive factor was the improvement in margins, which is the result of consistently conducted renegotiations of commercial contracts since March.

The company is constantly operating under the pressure of rising prices of production components and services, including transport costs, which forces constant monitoring and management of contract profitability.

The contribution of German companies belonging to the Capital Group had a positive impact on the result generated in the third quarter: the previously announced launch of new filling machines, modernization of another line and the resulting increased production volumes.

In September, the first product innovation in the social area was introduced to the market. The digital label on Sofin softeners and washing liquids allows the blind and visually impaired to read the description and ingredients of the product. Sofin detergents are characterized by high quality and numerous functional values such as effectiveness, long-lasting fresh fragrance and fabric protection. The combination of product advantages, environmental and social aspects makes the product unique on the market.

The third quarter is also the time of achieving the next goals set for this year in the Capital Group’s Sustainable Development Report. The company’s management board accepted a document indicating directions of action in the area of product design in terms of the closed cycle and social economy. “Integrated product development process” refers to the waste management pyramid. In accordance with the guidelines for brand managers, purchasing and logistics departments, product design is to combine the needs of the environment, society, consumers, network recipients and cost effectiveness. More details on this subject will be available soon at The company has also implemented the guidelines of ISO 26000, which lends credibility to its activities in the area of CSR.